Product Information
Taxi Service from Montego Bay Airport to Royalton Negril.

Taxi Service from Montego Bay Airport to Royalton Negril.

Royalton Negril Taxi Service from Montego Bay AirportDiscover Seamless Transportation with Jamaica Customised Vacation...
$20.00  $19.00
Save: 5% off

driver was spot on time, courteous and very professional 5
By Greg & Chantal Abrams on
We had Ricardo (Ricky) pick us up on Thursday Feb 6th to return us from the Royalton Negril to the Montego Bay airport.

Your driver was spot on time, courteous and very professional. Out of all the wonderful people we interacted with on our first trip to Jamaica, your driver was the most memorable and unforgettable interactions we had.

My wife and I enjoyed the entire ride with Rick. He pointed out so many things and shared many very interesting facts about your beautiful country and insight to life in general. I will highly recommend JCVTT to any people I have a chance to. He is an amazing asset to your company for sure. Please pass along our many thanks to him for a pleasurable and memorable transfer from the resort to the airport.

A true representation of the kindhearted, hard-working people that we have heard so much about.

Thank you to you and your company for the excellent transfer service.
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